It’s Not Failure; it’s a Growth Opportunity (aka Plot Twist)
As someone whose day job is in tech support, I’ve learned not to discount the power of “Mercury in retrograde”. Except it isn’t, and the frustrations I experienced last week were obstacles to be sure. In fact, to be honest, it left me wondering...
Understanding Monotropism and “Negative” Thoughts
There’s a belief that “ruts” happen from multiple passes over the same territory, whether they’re from repetitive thinking or from tires and the weight of a vehicle, and I’d argue that rather often, that’s simply not the case....
How to Handle Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria
How many types of rejection do you experience as an author? There are bad reviews, rejection letters, harsh critiques, or even the dreaded silence of nope. Dealing with these things is hard enough, but when you also have rejection sensitive dysphoria, something...
What is “hate posting” really getting you?
We all have things we don’t like. And some of us, including myself, can be really vocal about the ways that media fail us or piss us off. Social media is a place to vent our feelings, especially if as is the case for many of us, we’re pretty isolated in...