How To Write When Your Mind Goes Blank
One of the most frustrating symptoms of my ADHD is when I’m writing a blog and my mind just stops. My mind goes blank. That train of thought has left the station without informing me of its destination, and I’m left staring at a blank screen wondering what...
Feeling Like You’re Chasing Bouncing Balls?
Having an ADHD brain is an adventure. I’ll be reading something for college, become very interested in it (dopamine activation + hyperfocus) and all of a sudden I’m on the library’s website looking up footnotes and finding more books to read)....
Epona Muse Publishing News for February 2024
Welcome to the EMP News Show for 02/2024. This month we’re talking about what anthologies are still open as well as the state of our submissions inbox. I’m also explaining a bit about our new fiction anthology. Want to see our submission guidelines or sign...