How to Handle Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria
How many types of rejection do you experience as an author? There are bad reviews, rejection letters, harsh critiques, or even the dreaded silence of nope. Dealing with these things is hard enough, but when you also have rejection sensitive dysphoria, something...
Finding synergy between being a technologist and a word weaver
In technology, there’s a dichotomy between those who are “computer people” and those who don’t consider themselves technologically inclined. Among the authors I speak with, this usually leads to their brushing away opportunities or systems for...
Removing This One Thing Can Help You Beat Writer’s Block
When authors talk about writer’s block they discuss it as a fait accompli…something that they’re just destined to experience. It’s part of being an author, or is it? While there are many reasons why a story or character may not flow onto the...
Who are you letting into your online “living room”?
Recently I heard an excellent analogy that our online social media profiles are like an online “living room”. You wouldn’t open the door and let just anyone into your physical living space, so why would you do it online? It made sense to me and...