The best gift for authors isn’t something that costs a lot of money. I’m not pushing you to buy any of my courses or book any sessions with me. There are no holiday discounts. That’s because the best gift you can give the author in your life is the gift of time so they can write.

This can be a hectic time of year. For those with family, work, or other obligations cramming them all in and finding time to write can seem like an insurmountable cause. But if you’re an author, I implore you to give yourself the gift of time so you can write. Block off fifteen or thirty minutes if you must. Please, try to find time to write. Not only will tapping into your creativity create a soothing balm to this time of year, but it will help you feel like you’re making progress, moving forward on that WIP.

If you’re reading this and you have a writer in your life, then take something off their plate so they can write. Perhaps offer to clean up or do dishes. If you’re giving presents, offer to help wrap them, even if your wrapping isn’t picture perfect. See if you can’t help in the kitchen or take the kids for some fun so the other person has time to write. Whatever you do doesn’t have to be big. It doesn’t have to be elaborate or cost a lot of money. But helping that author in your life could be the best gift you’ve ever given them.

More importantly, think about giving this gift when the holidays are over, too. Either making time to write for yourself or helping someone you care about find time to write will be the kind of gift that keeps on giving long after the holiday season is over.