As if being an author online, and one who is either queer or writes stories with queer characters, wasn’t difficult enough, there’s a new thing to worry about. Recently it’s been reported that Facebook is removing groups and content which contains LGBTQIA+ themes or information. In the case of this news article out of Australia, groups devoted to LGBTQIA+ support like help lines and community aid found their content deleted without warning or notice. Now the lack of warning or notice is how Meta operates, but queer authors Facebook may be limiting or removing your ability to advertise books on their platform as well as removing your content. At this point, I believe it is vital all authors, but especially those who write queer fiction or are outwardly queer themselves, ensure they have a safe harbor online. Because Facebook, Instagram, or any other Meta-owned property isn’t it.

What do I mean by safe harbor?

A safe harbor is somewhere you can send your readers where they can find the information you want them to find and that won’t be subject to getting taken down or having the information removed without notice. Ideally this is your own website with your own domain that you make in a service that allows you to a) backup the website and b) transfer it to a new host if necessary and c) if you write erotic romance or adult content is on a host that specifically allows such things in their terms of service.

It’s important to be aware of these things, not to be in a state of fear or to cause anxiety, but so you can take back control and ensure your readers can find your books.

Want help setting up a website or exploring alternatives? Reach out.