I spend the first fifteen days of each month (my goal is 1000 words each day) working on my serial stories I release both under my fantasy pen name, as well as my queer erotic romance pen name. Today marks the transition from portal fantasy to my erotic romance, and it’s this kind of transition that keeps my ADHD brain really happy. Sure, I’m sad to leave the unicorns and the budding sweet gay trouple behind, but super excited to get back to my gay shifters and see where their newfound mating bonds lead. You may not be writing about unicorns or portals or even gay shifters, but I have a question for you: are you excited to sit down and write?

Like really really excited. Like this excited?


Because while you may not be able to sustain that level of excitement every day (Hey, that can be exhausting. I understand!)., being eager to write no matter whether you write at a keyboard and desk, notepad and pen, or jotting a few lines on your phone or tablet as you can, is a good way to keep up a sustainable career. And isn’t that what we’re all after here?

And I’m a firm believer that if we’re excited to write our stories that’s going to show in our prose we offer to readers, and that will get them invested in the stories, too. If we’re excited we’re going to want to talk about them on social media (*whispers* marketing) and maybe even come up with future stories (backlist building). It all ties together.

I’ll be honest, I’ve never been more excited about my writing and my opportunities for it than I am right now. And while I may be working on telling readers about my stories, I’m at least starting to do that again, and that, dear readers, is why we want to be excited when we sit down to write our stories.