It’s been a while since you send a newsletter. Maybe you only email when you have a new release, and you can go weeks, if not months, between those. Or maybe life happened and you simply haven’t sent a newsletter. Either way, if it’s been a while since you’ve talked to your readers, you might want to think about running a re-engagement campaign.

You’ve probably seen those emails that say something along the lines of “hey, it’s been a while since you opened one of my emails, do you want to stay on my list?”. In this case though it isn’t the reader’s inaction; it’s yours. So we don’t want to send an email like that.

What do you want to say?

Instead, you want to take a few moments to briefly reintroduce yourself and remind your readers why they’re on your list. Obviously they’re there because they like your books (or wanted a free one), but there are so many authors and well, it’s easy to lose track.

The email I’d send sounds something like this:

I’m (name) and I write (whatever you write – your tag line, etc.). It may have been a while since you heard from me (explain why if you feel comfortable doing so), so I just wanted to reach out and let you know what I’m working on. (tell them) Hope to have some news for you soon!

If you do newsletter swaps or participate in free book shares, then this might be a great way to close so you’re sending something of value.

Why send an email like this?

Readers, and all of us really, are bombarded with newsletters asking us to buy things. It’s like we’re nothing but a debit card, and being asked to constantly buy buy buy can get to be a bit much. So instead of going every three or more months between talking to your readers, then asking them to spend money, a nice re-engagement email, perhaps with a free book or a newsletter swap or even a poll, shows that you don’t see your readers as your own personal bank from which you can withdraw sales on demand. It helps to cultivate community and generate good will. That way when you are ready to offer a book for sale, they’re ready to buy.