You Don’t Have To Pay A Lot To Get Your Serials Edited

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When it comes to writing serial fiction you can either give your readers an early look (maybe even with a rough draft) or share something already written and published. Either way, serials rock! A well written serial is going to attract (and keep) more readers. And, if you edit your serial now, before it’s posted you’ll save money when you publish it as a novel!

So lock in an editor who understands serial fiction, enjoys it, and knows how tight those deadlines can be.

My editing services are perfect if you write:

  • romance, all heat levels, sub-genres, and pairings (or more!) welcome!
  • fantasy
  • science fiction
  • Or some combination of these

What my editing services include:

  • line edits for spelling and grammar
  • notes about what worked (Did I smile? tear up?)
  • notes about what didn’t work/was confusing
  • sensitivity reading for mental health/disability/ageism/ableism/LGBTQIA+ concerns

Ask about a sample edit of 1000 words!

Monthly Retainers

(Minimum 3 month commitment. Your retainer entitles you to an edit up to the word count limit listed. Need more edited? No problem, let me know and I’ll bill for the difference. Word count doesn’t roll over from month-to-month and repeated overages may require moving to a higher tier plan.)

As Needed Editing

(Month to month billing without a recurring subscription.)

Ready to get started?

    What editing package are you thinking of?

    Would you like a sample edit of 1000 words?