Currently UNBRIDLED RESILIENCE is available on sliding scale pricing. Pay from $7-29 and gain access to this course designed to help writers feel better about their work and run free from the storms of publishing.

Thank you for taking the Resilient Author Quiz

Check your inbox for your results!

Your quiz results will appear in your inbox momentarily. Thanks for taking the time to complete the quiz. If you’ve been thinking about resilience, you’re not alone. There are just some things that all the craft and marketing classes can’t teach and resilience is one of them.

Whether it’s powering through NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), completing edits on your novel, submitting it to publishers, or working toward 50 reviews on Amazon, resilience plays an important role in how we accomplish our goals and whether we accomplish them. So much of what we do as writers relies on our mindset. Even if we’re struggling with life–and who isn’t–our mindset can make things happen. It also doesn’t do that without support, and that’s the little secret that a lot of people don’t tell you. It’s not possible to “think” yourself onto the best seller list. You have to work at it too.

I encourage you to think about the results email that’s in your inbox right now. Read through it. See if you feel as if it applies to you. Got questions? Great! Hit reply and let me know. I love to hear from writers.

Wishing you all the success in your writing journey,